Say I Do In TNQ can offer a payment plan to suit your needs using EzyPay.
Simply pay the deposit and contact us for more details. Alternatively, please click here for more information.
PAYMENT is required using the online booking form to secure your site. Spaces are limited and will be allocated at the absolute discretion of the event organisers but we will consider your preferences.
REFUNDS/CANCELLATIONS BY VENDOR – Where the Vendor cancels, a minimum of one calendar month before the event, cancels a booking, payment will be refunded minus a $150 administration fee. Where a cancellation is notified to “Say I Do in TNQ” less than one month before the event, payment will only be refunded minus $150 administration fee, where “Say I Do in TNQ” is able to re-let the space. Should any vendor’s site remain unoccupied, Say I Do in TNQ reserves the right to allocate the unused site to another vendor or use said space in any other manner “Say I Do in TNQ” deems fit without any refund being payable to the Vendor.
INSURANCE – The Vendor shall carry and maintain during the period of the event including any move in or move out day(s), and at the Vendors sole cost and expense, public liability insurance for the minimum of $10,000.000. The Vendor must comply with all statutory obligations under Workplace Health and Safety Act any regulations made under it. The Vendor warrants that, by signing the contract, the Vendor will comply specifically with the insurance requirements of the agreement. The Vendor must provide current public liability certificates when submitting their application. Failure to do so, the Vendor will be made exempt from the application processes.
CANCELLATION BY SAY I DO IN TNQ – Where as a result of circumstances beyond our control, “Say I Do in TNQ” cancels the event, payment(s) from the Vendor will be refunded in full, subject to a deduction for any costs, which have been incurred as a result of special requirements by the Vendor. Such refunds form the full extent of the “Say I Do in TNQ” obligation to Vendor and no compensation will be payable by “Say I Do in TNQ” for any loss which the Vendor may suffer as a result of the cancellation. In the event of a cancellation, the event will be rescheduled. Should the Vendor not be available on the rescheduled date, a refund will not be provided.
STALL SET UP, OPERATION, AND PACK DOWN – The Vendor may access their site(s) only at the bump in time given by “Say I Do in TNQ”. If more time is required, then arrangements must be made in advance with the event organisers, not the venue. The Vendor shall be solely responsible at its own expense for installing and dismantling its own materials and equipment. The Vendor shall repair any damages caused by their occupation of that site, at their cost and to return the space to the same condition as received. All Vendors must present and maintain their stalls in a professional, stylish, and clean manner at all times. Any boxes or packaging must be hidden from view and not impose on neighbouring vendors displays. Vendors must confine their displays and signs to their stall site and keep pathways clear for patrons and safety. Pack down must be completed by the bump out time given by “Say I Do in TNQ”. No early pack down is permitted.
Parking is available off-site only. “Say I Do in TNQ” requires that all Vendors park away from the venue to allow maximum parking spaces for guests. No signs, displays, posters or other material may be fixed to the walls of function rooms. Stallholders are not allowed to hand out branded bags. Official bags will be provided to registered couples at the front door. A maximum of three people staffing the booth at one time is allowed.
RUBBISH & CLEAN UP – The Vendor is responsible for the removal of all rubbish from their site. No cleaning of equipment is to take place at the event and no waste liquids such as grease or oil may be disposed of onsite via drains and other means.
FIRE AND HEALTH & SAFETY REGULATIONS – The Vendor agrees to comply with local, city, and state law ordinances and regulations covering fire, safety, health, and other matters. All of the Vendor’s equipment and materials must be located within the Vendor’s allocated site and may not spread beyond the site unless agreed in advance with “Say I Do in TNQ” team. All electrical leads must be tag and tested and run safely away from patrons and pathways. Open flames or small candles are not allowed.
PRODUCTS AND EXHIBITS – “Say I Do in TNQ” may at its sole discretion, restrict or prevent the display or sale of any items, and may require their removal from the premises. This reservation includes any person, thing, conduct, printed matter, or item of charter, which “Say I Do in TNQ” considers objectionable for health or safety reasons, or discriminatory. No refunds or compensation will be payable by “Say I Do in TNQ” for any loss incurred by a Vendor as a result of any restriction, which may be enforced.
SUBLETTING THE SPACE – The Vendor may not assign, sublet, or apportion the whole or any part of the Vendor’s allocated site for any purpose unless agreed in advance by “Say I Do in TNQ”. This includes having another business’ printed material available who is not participating at the event.
LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS – “Say I Do in TNQ” team will not be liable for any loss or damage to the Vendor’s property from theft, fire accident, or any other cause beyond its control. The Vendor agrees to indemnify, protect, defend, and save and hold harmless “Say I Do in TNQ” directors, staff, volunteers, and contractors from all claims, demands, damages, and liability of whatsoever kind or character. By signing this agreement, the Vendor expressly releases the aforementioned from all claims for loss, damage, or injury.
LICENSES – The Vendor is responsible for obtaining any proper licenses, which may be required to sell their products. Copies of any required food licenses must be submitted with their application if applicable.
PRODUCT SALES + SAMPLES – Sample giving and tasting is encouraged. The Venue will allow Vendor’s to provide food samples of food only (no sale of food items will be permitted). Any Vendor providing tastings MUST advise “Say I Do in TNQ” prior to the event and a food waver form completed, signed and emailed to . The Vendor is required to advise a description of what they will be supplying. Food samples can be cooked onsite in the hotel kitchen, with prior approval and waiver signed. Please advise event organiser as early as possible to arrange necessary plans.